
Typemill Plugins

Search Plugin 2

This plugin is only compatible with version 2 of Typemill. It integrates a full-text search for your website. It is based on lunr.js. The development of the first version has been sponsored by vodaris.

Community Edition

This is a community edition of the search plugin. I will not update or fix this plugin anymore. If you want to take over, please push your own version to github and ping me. I will link to your repository for newer versions, then.

Just activate the plugin and it will add a search field to your website (depending on your theme). The plugin does not require any third-party-software like Google Search or Algolia. Instead it includes the JavaScript search library lunr.js and generate a full-text search index on the fly.

Screenshot of Search Results


Found a bug? Or do you want to contribute some improvements? You can find the repository on . Create a pull request or open a new issue if you found a bug.


Version 2.1.0

Version 2.0.0

Version 1.1.2

Version 1.1.1

Version 1.1.0

Version 1.0.1